Terraburney Candles and products are unique from what’s available on the market today. You can purchase candles anywhere. However, our fundamental approach is different. Our family and friends have always enjoyed a lit candle and it’s scent. Yet, there remained an opportunity for improvement. That is our mission and Terraburnery candles is a product you have to experience. 

Simply stated 

“The good stuff is in our candle” 

Why we’re different: 

  • Our packaging is clean, simple and affordable. 
  • We dedicated over a year of research to make a better candle. After trial and many errors we identified the best chemistry to meet our demands. 
  • We offer 100% handcrafted candles, all natural essential oils, cotton braid wicks with no lead, all natural soy wax and hand poured in small batches. 
  • Our Terraburnery candles cleanly burn and are eco-friendly. All ingredients are sourced in the United States.
Terraburnery Candles 

Our Basics: 

All Terraburnery Candles are made with natural essential oils and 100% premium and eco-friendly soy wax. All ingredients are sourced in the United States. Most importantly, every candle is carefully blended and hand poured in Virginia and Delaware. 

We use natural cotton flat braid wicks. Cotton wicks offer even burning at a lower temperature, consistent scent throw into your room and provide less irritation to humans as well as pets. 

Our Values 

We always use the best quality ingredients and strive to continuously improve our products to always meet our high standards. No paragons, sulfates, phthalates or animal testing, ever!

Hand poured
Small batches
In Virginia and Delaware

No phthalates
No Parabens
No Sulfates

Natural Cotton

Cruelty Free

While we constantly improve our current products, we’re also excited to introduce new additions. 

Please take a moment to join our mailing list to keep you updated regarding special offers and seasonal candles.